Order Cancellations

Please call our staff at 904.755.8360 during our office hours to cancel an order. We process your order electronically. Therefore, your order may be processed when you ‘complete purchase’. Please contact us immediately at 904.755.8360 if you wish to change or cancel your order. Do not assume we will see your e-mail in time as we get hundreds of e-mail messages per day. We will make every effort to stop the processing of your order.

Due to the cost of processing refunds, there will be a 5% cancellation fee on all orders placed but canceled prior to shipping. This does not apply to returns & exchanges. Please refer to returns & exchanges if your order has already shipped.

Your order must be confirmed by an PMD VIP customer service representative if it has not shipped from our warehouse or the manufacturer or distributor. Once confirmed, you will be issued a credit or refund minus cancellation fees within 7 business days.